Melt My Heart

“Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive.”

― Joanne Harris.

Melt My Heart


 Head: Halle by Lelutka

Body: Legacy Feminine by MeshBody

Femme Skin Set EVOX - Butterscotch by Stargazer

Abyss Eyes by A R T E @ Enchantment *NEW*

Brimstone Shadows by Killjoy

Cupid Eyebrows by REVERIE

Vanessa Braids by CAMO @ The Epiphany *NEW*

Melty Love Outfit, Face Accessories (heart candies and cream) and Candy Explosion Prop (Floating heart candies) by Curemore @ The Epiphany *NEW*

Chocolate Desert (Cream, Strawberries & Mouth Strawberry) by MoonPhase @ The Fetish Fair *NEW*

Pose: Nomimo G. Sit by La Baugette

Sweet Valentine - XOXO Cake / Plate, Wire Heart Cake / Stand, & Treat Board / GIFT by Disorderly @ Cupid Inc. *NEW*

Spilled Candy Hearts by Half-Deer