Sorceress of the Deep

"Mermaids can spend eternity at sea because their hearts are, some say as cold as the water." 


Mer Tail: Mermaid Ocean V2 by Funny Sea
Hair: No Wind by No Match

Crown: Chaos Mind by Axix
Anastasia Body Chain (gacha) by The Forge
Belt: Oceanica Atlantic Eclispe Waist Chain by Fallen Gods, Inc. @ The Fantasy Faire
Nipple Covers: Matahari Dancers Jewels in Tribal (gacha) by DeviousMind
Face Chains: Face Chain in Black (gacha) by The Forge

Skin: Oceanica Atlantic Eclipse by Fallen Gods Inc.
@ The Fantasy Faire
Mouth: Sweet Lips by PXL
Eyes: DarkWater Creature Eyes by FD

Photo taken on the Poseidons Abyss sim @ The Fantasy Faire 2015