Only Happy When It Rains

I'm only happy when it rains
I feel good when things are goin' wrong
I only listen to the sad, sad songs
I'm only happy when it rains

I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn't accidentally tell you that
I'm only happy when it rains
You'll get the message by the time I'm through
When I complain about me and you
I'm only happy when it rains

Only Happy When It Rains


Head & Body:
Head: Simone by Lelutka
Skin: Apple Tone 004 by Glam Affair
Kings Eyes by -bus-
Kumi Hair by Bonbon
Twinkle Star Tattoo by The White Crow
Facial Expression created using Lelutka Axis HUD
Pose: Breathing Space A by Le Poppycock

Clothing & Accessories:
Dark Summer Gacha: Dark Parasol Moon, Dark Summer Dress Blue, Dark Sandals Black & Dark Satchel RARE by AsteroidBox @ The Epiphany *New*
29 Babygirl Choker { Blk Licorice} by [Pity Party & Momoko] @ The Epiphany *New*

French Bulldog Gacha: French Bulldog Up, French Bulldog Laying & French Bulldog Jumping by Rezz Room @ The Liaison Collaborative *New*