Head: Avalon by Lelutka
Body: Reborn + Waifus by eBody
Skin: Clara Skin in Caramel by leLapeau
Misa Fangs by Non Native
You May Bite the Bride - BOM tattoos [FLF-o-ween GIFT!] by Soapberry
Nosferatu Mascara Set - lel EVOX by voodoo
Lucretia Dress by Valentine @ Access *NEW*
Vaikan Stone Earrings, Orb and Necklaces by Petrichor @ Nightshade *NEW*
Vilefang - Witch Hat by Topsicat @ Panic of Pumpkin *NEW*
Pose with Glass: Kaede Pose Pack by GOYO @ Panic of Pumpkin *NEW*
Skeleton Cats by Half-Deer
The Night Car Backdrop by FNY Designs