This is my artwork of the Strength Tarot Card. Since I could not find any lions that looked how I wanted I used leopards. The image still has the same message. In this, I wanted to focus on the nurturing side of strength.
The Strength tarot card often indicates that the querent (the person seeking the reading) has the strength and fortitude to overcome challenges and obstacles in their life. It suggests that the querent has the ability to master their emotions, be patient, and show resilience in difficult situations.
Additionally, the Strength card can represent the power of
love and compassion. The woman on the card is often depicted as gentle and
nurturing, which suggests that these qualities can be just as effective in
overcoming challenges as brute force or aggression.

Head: Ubon by Lelutka *NEW*
Body: Reborn by eBody
Daydream Shine (Blue) by This is Wrong @ Dollholic *NEW*
Lelutka EvoX Glitter Drama Eyeshadow by Shiny Stuffs
Tied Back Hairbase by Lueur
Haewon Skin 2.7 (Velour Chocolate) by Tres Beau
(I have no idea where I got the freckles from sorry)
Ki Dread Wrap by FunkyStench
Pompei Dress by Atame @ We Love Role-Play *NEW*
Shackles of the Damned + Chain Decor by Static @ Enchantment *NEW*
Pose made in Black Dragon
Leopard Collection by Jian
Forgotten Temple Backdrop by Synnery.Tavis @ Enchantment *NEW*