“All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.”
― Paracelsus

Gothic Drip (Candles): Purple plate, red stand, blue cake by Disorderly @ Salem *NEW*
The Engine Room Items: *NEW*
"Emmeline" **RUBY** SteamCosplay by Deviousmind
Mad Tailor Hat by Lassitude & Ennui
Steampunk Bathtub by Eclectica Curiosities
D'Arcy Set -Porthole Coffee Table (light) & Steampunk Armchair (black) by Architect.
GG - Black Widow Tea Set by Death Row Designs
Head: Sasha by Lelutka
Beautiful Madness HD Eyeshadow Appliers by Shiny Stuffs @ Chronicles & Legends *NEW*
Supernatural Eyes 3 by Aviglam @ Satan Inc. *NEW*
Avioch Claws by Pendulum
Hair: Green by Unorthodox *NEW*
Pose: Sitting Pretty 4 by Kirin
Tentacles Army by Cubic Cherry
Absente # 7 by :::ChicChica:::