Epoch's Time Machine - When Time Fades Away

Time will go on

And we are drifting away in the night

I've been searching so long, but I will find you

Even if it takes my whole life

But tonight I feel so alone and I know

That you are forever gone

Oh time, don't fade away when I need you here

Oh please don't leave me now



Fades away! 

When time fades away! 

I'll never be the same

~ Wintersun, Time

There is only one day left at The Skin Fair and before it ends I wanted to share with you all the George Catwa HDPro head.  This is Catwa's first HDPro male head.  This head is at the Skin Fair and will be in Catwas store afterward.  There is a lot to this HUD so I decided (no actually, I was convinced to) do a video tutorial on it.  I apologize for the sound I don't do these very often.  Maybe it will help someone out there or maybe it will just annoy the crap out of you.  Either way, check out George.  It is a pretty cool head.  Video is below.

Epoch's Time Machine - When Time Fades Away


Skin Fair Items: *NEW*

Head: George HDPro by Catwa 

Skin: Enzo in Nude by Go & See

Sovereign Eyes by Gloom

The Engine Room Items: *NEW*

Epoch's Time Machine by Deadly Nightshade

Steamskull Cane by Badwolf

SpyCam 6000PxFs (mini camera) by The White Crow

Pedro Beard by Fuoey

U98 Hair by Dura

Kingsman Suit Jacket and Pants by HEVO

Pocket Watch by The Forge (modified it is actually a necklace)

Barn Owls by Maru Kado

Fly Magic Spells Papper by Mushilu

Flying Papers by Kalopsia

Pose: Swag Sit-6 by Retro-Box