Breaking the night sky
With music of my mind
I need a runway
Cause tender is the night
Breaking the night sky
I don't wanna feel the ground
And if you call me
My dream machine will fly
~ Tesla Boy

Cyber Fair Items: *NEW*
Offline Gacha (Outfit): Armshield, Top RARE, Garter RARE, Panties RARE, Crown, Halo, Wings, Hairpin, and Choker by ERSCH
Vector Tattoo by Dappa
Revolver-gun-XXVII by Nebur Cyborg
Cyber Interface by Pitaya
Head: Ryn 2.5 by Lelutka
Shiny Elf Ears by Swallow
Reprogram Eyes Lootbox RARE 2 by Gloom
Raisa Skin 009 (plus BOM freckles, lipgloss, eyeliner, & eyebags) by Glam Affair @ Uber *NEW*
Hair: Nymph by Beusy
Bangs: Diety Bangs #1 RARE by Beusy
The Bonditos - Cat 11 by BONDI @ The Arcade *NEW*
Metal Heart Dark Nails by RAWR
Pose: Gun V2 1B by Imitation