You had plenty money 1922
You let other women make a fool of you
Why don't you do right
Like some other men do?
Sitting there wondering what it's all about
If you ain't got no money they are going to
Put you out
Why don't you do right
Like some other men do?
Get out of here and
Bring me some money too.

Head: Nova 2.5 by Lelutka
Jennie Skin in Sand by Heaux
Gothic Girl HD Lipgloss & Beauty Sleep HD Shadows by Shiny Stuffs
Layla Brows by Warpaint
Ofelia Shine + Tattoo by This Is Wrong @ Kinky Event *NEW*
Cyanna Hairstyle by Doux
Jessica Gown & Gloves Glitter by Salt and Pepper
Christina's Mystic Heels by Dreamcatcher
Stage: Bachelor by Anxiety
Pose: Curves 5 by Foxcity