Good bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be.
~ Walt Disney

Enchantment Items: *Ends Midnight May 31st*
Dress "Kitsune" & Dance with Fans Pose Set 2 by Antaya
(Fit for Legacy, Perky & Maitreya)
Kit's Collar Ring Only by Short Leash (No RLV & RLV)
Kyubiko-No.8-Tail_WHTxRED by W-Zero
Kumino (Lines Makeup) by LuluB!
Head: Strange Face W001 by Genus Project
Skin: Rose #Moccha by Leggy @ Flourish
Bambi Eyebrows by Little Devil
froggy - hair A RARE by Bonbon
Avaricious Wht Kitsune G Ears SPINEL UNCOMMON by Evermore
Kindred Kitsunes Sky Kitsune - Lootbox by Jian