Ex Maligno Erat

“There are horrors beyond life’s edge that we do not suspect, and once in a while man’s evil prying calls them just within our range.”
~The Thing on the Doorstep (H.P. Lovecraft)

Ex Maligno Erat


On Me:
+ Mortal Harvest Mantle / Torn Cape by Egosumaii @ Eclipse *New*
Demon Bone Horns Bone by Aisha
The Iron Halo (static) by Attitude is an Artform @ We <3 Role-Play *New*
Sarella Gown by Fetch @ The Final Winter *New*
10 RARE -[TWC]- Rosarie (Scars) by The White Crow
Scorpio Dagger - Battled by BAMSE
Pose: Ritual by Poseidon

Northern Throne - PG by Krescendo @ We Love Role-Play *New*

Shaman Totems by Unorthodox Underworld @ We Love Role-Play *New*

RARE Cannibal Dining Altar by Harshlands