
I'm not clumsy! The floor just hates me, the table and chairs are bullies, and the walls get in my way.



On Me:
Catwa Lips Applier 03 & Eye Shadow 01 by Violetta @ Japonica *New*
Hair: Fray V1 by Doe @ The Gacha Guardians *New*
JapaneseWaitress-black by W-Zero @ Japonica *New*
Kyouno Wanko (Puppies) Gacha: 8.osoroi Ribbon [RARE], 1.Sundays [RARE], & 6.Friday by Who What @ Japonica *New*
Pose: Clumsy Static Poses by Nilpferd!

Watokei gacha 01RARE (Clock) by MW @ Japonica *New*
Potted Plant: Kadomatsu Habotan(L) by MRS @ Japonica *New*

OBANZAI -karaage Server - (Fried chicken) by Monkey Banana
Hot Drinks in wood Tray by Sweet Lies