Don't Mess With The Chicken Mafia!

“This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this and get away with it, hey, that’s great. But its very, very unpredictable. There’s so many ways you can screw it up.” 
~ Paul Castellano

Yeah know what they say"Keep your Chickens close and your enemies closer . . . "  Damn chicken tastes so good.  :P

Don't Mess With The Chicken Mafia!


On Me:
Cockface Mask RARE by Katat0nik @ The Epiphany *New*
Magissa Jacket - Strip Navy by Ascend *New*
Kings Crown RARE & Gold Chains by David Heather @ The Epiphany *New*

The King Pin Gacha Set: Gun Cabinet 1 RARE, Gun Cabinet 2, Drug Carriers, Money Bundle, Kings Armchair, Drug Weight, Drug Phones, Pistol Case, Drug Surplus, Desk & Champagne by David Heather @ The Epiphany *New*

Mukbang - Fried Chicken by .random.Matter

Dead chicken by RB's General Supplies